When your desires are not translated into reality they become the regrets of your tomorrows.
You are the creation of your own consciousness.
Never wait or procrastinate about what needs to be faced urgently.
What you are prepared to accept is usually exactly what you actually get.
Memories are one of the few things that can take from this life.
Always endeavor to treasure each moment as special for it will never return.
Your actions or lack of action does have consequences in eternity.
Creation is driven by energy in one form or another.
With effort you can be whoever or whatever you want to be.
Attract into your reality the things that you most desire.
Your abilities are infinite beyond comprehension.
Each action changes the course of the future in immensely complicated and intricate ways.
Never leave anything unresolved for long.
There are always options to choose from, multiple opposites always exist.
With the right amount of effort everything is indeed possible.
Life wasn't meant to be difficult.
Micro manage every aspect of your life in order to experience the things you want.
The way that you think comes to governs your world.
Don't live the illusions that others have created for you.
Loving yourself is just as important as loving others.
Reality is like putty, that can be molded or shaped into any form.
Life has the meaning that you give it.
The paths you create or follow become the story of your life.
Everyone has a destiny of their own desires.
Life is the most enjoyable game you will ever play.
Happiness is indeed purely a state of mind.
The consequence of your illusions is your reality.
Create and control your destiny, otherwise fate or others will do that for you.
Don't live life passively, but aim to be proactive, probing all the possibilities.
The paths that you follow becomes the story of your life.
Don’t end up doing life's bidding, instead of life doing your bidding.
You have the opportunity to create your own heaven on earth
Don't become a creation of circumstances.
A life filled with meaning and purpose becomes a wondrous adventure.
Within you is the freedom to become what you desire.
Control the details that will make your life more fulfilling and beneficial.
You have the power to change an event and its impact.
You have a whole array of potential just waiting for you to make a decision.
If you're not satisfied with your life then determine what needs changing.
Switching desires randomly always leads to confusion.
Things happen in order to fulfill some purpose.
The future will be governed and created by the choices that are made from now.
Life is capable of offering many opportunities for success or failure.
Tell yourself what you really want from life.
It is always easier to start anew than recreate or modify whatever doesn't suit.
If you do not take full control of your destiny, fate will.
You are only a prisoner of your own lack of action.
The accumulation of your choices becomes your destiny.
There is more to all this reality than meets the eye.
Everything that you give life to through thought becomes possible.
Magnetize your creative forces to draw what you desire close to you.
Magnetize your creative forces to draw what you desire close to you.
Everything that you envision, give life to, becomes part of your reality in one way or another.
Never give up until the moment that your desires become true.